Meretas: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan
MORALITY: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Morality : Journal of Law was published in November 2012 by the PGRI University of Palangka Raya under the name "Morality : Journal of Law". Morality published twice in year in december and june, with the ISSN number of Printed Version is 2303-0119 and 2614-2228 with online version. Morality is a medium of forum to publish the result of research and findings of the latest theories on the development of legal science in Indonesia in particular. Morality : Journaf of Law receives related articles on Criminaw Law, Civil Code, State Administration, Customary Law, Islamic Law, Legal Sociology, Legal Theory, Agrarian Law, Legal Philosophy, Law and Corruption, Enviromental Law, Regional Government, Marriage Law, Criminal and Civil Procedure Law, Commercial and Banking Law, Law and ITE, Constitution, Special Criminal Law, Public Policy, Political Law and Victimology.